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All About Intuition

March 13, 2020

Have you ever experienced a gut feeling or a “hunch” that you just can't fully explain? Maybe it's something you feel deep down in your soul but it just makes no logical sense. This is divine intuition and it is our highest form of intelligence. This is the “process that gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and non-conscious parts of our mind, and also between instinct and reason”. Think of intuition as an inner guidance or compass to navigate everyday life. 

You might be asking yourself how can I tune into my intuition and strengthen my inner power so I can cultivate my best life? The answer is it is possible and you already have the tools within you to achieve this. Start by meditating, spending time in nature, or even practicing yoga. Allowing ourselves to abide in silence and truly connect with our breath can open space in our mind in order to interpret these messages. Tapping into your intuition takes practice and trust. But once we can fully align with our inner knowing, we can then drown out the noise of fear and make decisions according to our highest self. We are all born with this beautiful gift of guidance, and by embracing the wonder within us we can follow the path that is designed for us.

what people are saying

“I am embarking on my first year as a client of Truth and hold the space in such high regard. It’s my intimate place in the world to recalibrate, refuel, empower myself, receive care, and dive deeper into myself. I appreciate all of you on such a high level and endlessly want to thank you for your service. Please continue to self care for the betterment of you -and all that you serve! Your lights are so needed and appreciated."


"The moment I walk into Truth, my mind and body goes into relaxation mode. Everyone is helpful with finding the right products and the services are individualized. I also bring my daughter for services and love that I feel comfortable with the services and products she uses."


"I had a 90-minute Thai massage session with Jeanne Coleman that was incredibly amazing and restorative.The massage was unlike anything I've experienced before: whole-body manipulation, gentle pulling and stretching, easing my body out of knots and bad habits. Jeanne did all the work and would guide me gently and expertly from stretch to stretch. I almost fell asleep!"  

- Lee

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